How to make cocktails at home

Started on 18 Wed, 19:00 - 20:00

Instructor: Expert & Mixologist Wael Kosaifi
Date: Wednesday July 18
Time: 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Price: $50 / person (all taxes included)


– Sense of dream (Gin based)
– A bit of heaven (Vodka based)
– End of July (Bourbon based)

Crackers will be offered


This class is designed for people interested in developing skills and experience bartending. Mostly, everyone is familiar with the basic drinks which are made from spirits mixed with juices, soft or energy drinks. But globally, drinks culture has changed and cocktails are taking over.

Wael Kosaifi, bar manager at Uberhaus & Villa Badaro, will explain in this class about Diageo’s Reserve brands and how they mix with other ingredients to make a perfect serve or a cocktail in a very simple way. As mixology grows as a trend and consumers are becoming more demanding and discerning, this class will equip them with good knowledge to be experts in what they are mixing and drinking.


– How to make and mix cocktails at home
– How to combine flavors (spices, herbs, fruits…) with spirits
– Learn how to make homemade syrups
– Learn the difference between the techniques and why we use each one of them

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